by Anonymous!
Kohlrabi can look pretty intimating if you have not been around them much! They are still yummy nonetheless!
1. Kohlrabi has the look of an organic green Sputnik (russian satelite), with a taste like fresh, crunchy broccoli stems accented by radish.
2. The name kohlrabi comes from the German kohl, meaning cabbage, and rabi, or turnip, and that kind of sums it up.
3. Two main types are grown in America, white and purple. The "white," actually light green, is much the more popular although the purple variety is most attractive.
4. Coloration of the purple types is superficial, the edible parts are all pale yellow. In Europe, fancy kinds with frilled and deeply cut leaves are sometimes grown for ornamentation.
5. It's grown more for its bulb-like stem than for its greens leaves, although these can be eaten too if they're attached when you buy it (just like the daikon), they taste similar to Swiss chard or kale. Leaves of the purple variety are better to eat than those of the green kohlrabi.
6. Cut your kohlrabi in half. Your kohlrabi should be solid all the way through, with no spongy or brown spots. Cut these out if you have them, leaving only the firm bulb intact.
7. Smaller kohlrabi are the sweetest and most tender. Bulbs much bigger than the size of a tennis ball won’t be as tasty and often have a pithy flesh. Also, they should be used when the tubers are 2 to 3 inches in diameter, before they become hard or bitter.
Reference: Wikipedia, About.com, BBC, A Midwest Gardener's Cookbook, Plant Answers, Care2
Here's a little something extra:
Helen of Food Stories has this excellently yummy radish and kohlrabi pickles which pair up really well with her Veggie Burgers. grin* I'm getting all hungry again just looking at these pictures! drool*

Picture Credits:
Helen Graves (Food Stories)
Another equally talented individual is Lucinda of Nourish Me. Her specially adapted kohlrabi remoulade is a superb winter salad! Plus I love her interesting addition of homemade hazelnut mayonaise! very much yums*

Picture Credits:
Lucinda (Nourish Me)
Stop salivating and drop by Food Stories & Nourish Me
for these recipes now!
Thank you Helen & Lucinda!! :)
Thanks Lynn - your illustrations are gorgeous. Seeing a kohlrabi with personality this morning has (already) made my day.
iIt was one of those veg that I had, years ago, no idea what to do with! But when winter is deep-set and getting you down, their crunch is incredibly refreshing.
I LOVE Helen's burgers!
I love kohlrabi! It made me so happy to see that you have another veggie up!
Ridiculously cute and beautiful site. Have you ever thought of featuring fungi? Shitake, maitake, and tons of other mushrooms would be a tasty addition to your veggie family I'm sure.
I recently tried kohlrabi for the first time. A friend who owns a restaurant brought out some slices which had been lightly sautéed in olive oil - it was delicious! I may try the remoulade next. Thanks for posting the link.
i love your blog! you're so talented. all of the pictures made me smile and laugh, they are so cute and funny!!! i'm RSS'ing this! hope to see some new veggies, but there are only so many to do! i found this blog when googling about eggplant and why it makes your mouth itchy, and someone used one of your pictures, and i followed it back here because i loved it. glad i found it, this is very fun! thanks for taking the time to do it, i'm sure it's made a lot of people smile!
Wow awesome!! Thanks so much for all that info. I actually havent tried this yet and I will make it a mission to try some out. I love new veggies and all those pics look amazing. Thanks for sharing. I hope you are having a wonderful holiday!!
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